BBBBBB LL OOOOOOOO DDDDD Y Y MM MM EEEEEEE SSSS SSSS BB B LL OO OO D D Y Y M M M M E S SS S SS BB B LL OO OO D D YY M M M M EEEEEEE S S BBBBBB LL OO OO D D Y M M M EEEEEEE S S BB B LL OO OO D D Y M M E S S BB B LL OO OO D D Y M M E SS S SS S BBBBBB LLLLLLL OOOOOOOO DDDDD Y M M EEEEEEEE SSSS SSSS Creator: Captain Brian and Nitro Clan Splicer: Flack Based off of: Project Brian, and Nitro Clan Gore Mod (permision from nitro, couldnt get hold of brian, so i am hoping he is okay with it) Instalation: Extract Bloody mess into your doom 3 folder Run: Select the mod in the mod menu or add "+ set fs_game Bloodymess" (no quotes) to the end of your shortcut IE: d:\Program Files\Doom 3\Doom3.exe" + set fs_game Bloodymess to start the mod directly. I have removed some features from the mods, to fit my likeing What it does: Increased shotgun damage slightly (Captain_Brian) Increased chaingun clip size (200) (Captain_Brian) Increased shot rate of pistol and machine gun (Captain_Brian) Added brighter muzzle flash (Captain_Brian) BFG Lights room (Captain_Brian) Shotgun causes enimies to fly back (Captain_Brian) *amen* Plasma Gun has a buitiful blue glow (Captain_Brian) Ungibible Enimies (Nitro Clan) Extra Blood (Nitro Clan) Issues: As i am finding in all mods for doom 3, the save games are a bit scewed up with this... Unfortunetly the only way to solve it that i know is to after playing the game and exiting Go to the Bloodymessfolder and go into save games, then copy and paste it to the normal doom 3\base folder save games. Contact: AIM: RJtheJester1013 Email: Thanks again to brian and nitro clan for there great mods!!!